Test your correctness with [System]. an absolutely innocent grammar exercise that has nothing to do with capitalism. I swear!

Please, have in mind this before playing if you are sensitive to:

  •  External violence
  •  Direct communication
  • Grammatical errors

This game has been created with Twine, written and designed by Inés Alcolea.

Thanks for playing! I appreciate if you share & leave a comment!

Articles and external reviews of the game:

Updated 7 days ago
Published 15 days ago
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(16 total ratings)
AuthorInes Alcolea
GenreInteractive Fiction, Educational, Puzzle, Simulation, Visual Novel
Made withTwine
TagsExploration, Horror, Narrative, Point & Click, Text based, Twine
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsMouse, Touchscreen
AccessibilityColor-blind friendly, Subtitles, One button
LinksTwitter, Instagram


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(1 edit)

Está muy bien. Me he quedado regular, though, al hacer la primera frase (pero ya conocía el disclaimer).

Espero que al menos con el resto de finales te hayas entretenido :) Es durillo, sí, pero quería despertar algo. Algo que además sucede ahora mismo.

Interesting design

thanks a lot!! I am learning so any tip is welcomed!



This game definitely caught me off guard. Nice game though. :)

Thanks and sorry at the same time!

Muy guay Ines! La mecánica de "ir contra la máquina" encaja muy bien con la historia. Y mola bastante cómo estás explorando la narrativa no lineal.

¡Muchísimas gracias! Quería hacer un poco de homenaje a metajugos que tanto me gustan y admiro ^^


super cool!

thanks for playing!

Me ha gustado mucho! creo que he sacado algún detallito rebuscado, y ha estado super bien.
Tengo en el fondo de la cabeza probar a hacer algo con twine ... a ver si saco tiempo para darle :)

Ay muchas gracias por jugar y comentar! Lánzate a probar! Haz algo divertido y sobre todo cómprate una pizarra para ver más visualmente todo!

Very interesting concept...

thanks for posting and playing!

Ines, qué pasada, de verdad. Vaya manera de jugar con el formato. <33


¡Muchísimas gracias! :D fue lo que más me costó realmente, ver de qué manera usar twine de una forma distinta. Muchísimas gracias por jugarlo :)

I'm not much of a fan of "Interactive Fiction", but I wanted to try this game... and I liked it.
I completely agree with the underlying message.

In summary, GG Ines!
Thanks for making this game!


Wow, thanks so much in a first place for trying and in a second place for commenting! I was very affraid that maybe the message is not well transmitted. Thanks a lot, this was something VERY personal.

Es increíble, me encanta la capacidad para explotar al máximo la sencillez de Twine.

ay gracias!! Me tiré mucho tiempo dándole vueltas a cómo usar twine de una forma más mecánica

(1 edit)

You misspelt "hero" at one point.

Also, I can't scroll down on one of the paths...


Thanks for posting that! It was part of the warnings ;) hahah correcting it in the next build! Thaaaaaanks so much for playing!

Actually, that was a SPELLING error, so...


hahaha I know I was just jocking :) I will upload the new version soon ^^ thanks for reporting!

Oh shoot, I just noticed that reality was also misspelt!

in which part? I also corrected the scrolling thing! Thanks for the feedback!!

WHAT A !@#$